Why your Environmental Health Officer wants you to go digital


Why your Environmental Health Officer wants you to go digital


As a good business, under European legislation, you are legally required to have in place a documented food safety, or HACCP policy.While the vast majority of establishments just print off and use the standard pages from the Food Standards Agency website, it is entirely up to the business itself as to what method they use as long as they can show a completed and reliable record of food safety checks when asked, usually during their regular EHO Inspection.A distinct advantage digital records have over paper based records is that each entry is time stamped and assigned to whomever inputted the data, minimising the possibility of false or doctored records, increasing inspector, and customer confidence in your business.In 2018 the Food Standards Agency announced a strategy to make Food Safety Digital, the eventual aim of which is to have all food establishments utilise digital records, thereby increasing government and consumer confidence in the industry while cutting down on inspections and disruption, especially for the top performing businesses.So now is the best time to go digital,With Food Safe System you can monitor & record:




  • Food Deliveries

Quickly input details of food deliveries, each entry is automatically time stamped and dated, and easily populated with pre-set suppliers details and foods.
Search for deliveries in the automatically prepared list by date or invoice number.
Bluetooth food probes can be used to automatically send true and accurate temperature readings to the app.

  • Temperatures

List your cooling units by name and type and set the working parameters, quickly record the fridge data with a few taps, all time stamped for your peace of mind.
Food Safe System automatically builds graphs of operating temperatures for easy access and review.
Optional wireless temperature sensors automatically monitor and record cooling unit conditions, providing up to date, reliable records as well as saving users time.

  • Cook/Cool/Reheat Records

A complete record of cooking times and temperatures as well as cooling times and methods when necessary.
Record either the core cooked temperature or the time and temperature combination, particularly relevant for Sous Vide processes,
List the item cooked as either the finished dish or trace back to the food supplied and the supplier.
Reheating times and temperatures can also be added to the corresponding records.
Easily search for records in the automatically prepared record list.
Optional Bluetooth sensor probes can be used to accurately read and record temperatures.

  • Hot Hold/Cold Display Records

A complete record for your chilled display and/or hot buffet items.
Select Cold Display or Hot Hold and quickly add the appropriate temperature at the suggested intervals.

  • Hygiene Inspections

A pre populated list of questions that will keep you on top of your Hygiene Requirements, quickly completed with a swipe right.
A detailed list shows when checks are carried out, by whom and if completed.

  • Cleaning Schedules

Fully customisable to your own requirements.
Build a detailed list of what needs cleaned and when it needs cleaned, alongside details of how to clean it and with what method.
Set the frequency of cleaning for each item and the next task on the list will automatically appear at the top.