The New Food Safe System App

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New Food Safe System App


We have listened, We have improved, We have updated.

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Food Safety Sorted.

A plug and play system that monitors your kitchen automatically.

Automatic Temperature Monitoring.
Plug wireless sensors into your kitchen and get real-time feedback about the performance of your fridges and freezers on  the food Safe System app.

Focus on the menu not reporting.
Chefs find our app saves them at least 30 minutes a day.
Saving a £100 per week

Fully EHO and HACPP Compliant.
Reports are fully compliant with European Legislation requirements.

Multi-Kitchen support.
Monitor all your kitchens from one location.

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What we added

Photo capability to delivery records for invoices, food condition and delivery labels.

Alerts – get push notifications for important events in your kitchen, see the list of active alerts, resolve them or take a look at the archived ones.

Offline mode – you can now use Food Deliveries, Cooling Units, Cook/Cool/Reheat, Hot/Cold Display and Hygiene Inspection while offline – you will be able to see any items you have loaded while online, edit them or create new ones to be saved once you’re back online.

Settings – easily see list of employees added to each kitchen, access and edit list of suppliers and more.

Cleaning Schedules – Updated and improved to include automatic repeating of tasks.

Do you need anything else?

We know that you are busy, and we want to help you get on with the work that’s important to you.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, we appreciate that perhaps you used Food Safe System in the past and felt unhappy with our performance, we want to make things right, so if this is the case we want to hear from you.
